Oderings Garden Centre
Oderings Garden Centre

Mounting a Staghorn Fern

Mounting a Staghorn Fern
Mounting a staghorn fern creates a striking, low-maintenance addition to your home or garden. These unique ferns thrive without soil, growing beautifully mounted on a frame. This step-by-step guide will walk you through how to mount your fern, from preparing the base to securing the plant with fishing line. Staghorn ferns are perfect for bright, humid spaces and make an eye-catching feature on your wall. Following these simple instructions will give you a stunning fern display that will thrive with minimal care. Keep reading for tips on creating your living wall with this beautiful plant.
Staghorn ferns are a stylish and unique addition to any garden or indoor space. These epiphytic ferns don’t need soil to grow and can thrive mounted on a frame, making them perfect for displaying on your walls. The flat, shield-like leaves protect the roots, while the fertile, antler-like fronds grow from the centre, creating their signature shape.


Here’s how to mount your staghorn fern

You Will Need:

  • Staghorn fern
  • Wooden board or ponga slab (as a base)
  • Sphagnum moss
  • Fishing line
  • 8 x 40mm flat-head nails
  • Hammer
  • Hanging bracket
  • Scissors
  • Dust mask
  • Gloves


Step-by-Step Instructions

Attach the Hanging Bracket

Place your base (wooden board or ponga slab) on a flat surface. Attach the support bracket to the back of the base. Ensure the bracket is strong enough to support the weight of the fern as it grows.


Prepare the Sphagnum Moss

Soak the sphagnum moss in water until fully saturated. Wring out any excess water so that the moss is damp but not dripping.


Prepare the Staghorn Fern

Carefully remove the staghorn fern from its pot. Gently tease away the soil from its roots. Place the fern on the base and outline its perimeter with a pencil or marker. Remove the fern and hammer in 8 nails along this outline, leaving about 15mm of the nails protruding from the base.


Add the Moss

Place a 3cm thick layer of damp sphagnum moss within the perimeter. Create a small well in the centre of the moss to hold the fern’s root system.


Position the Fern

Place the fern’s root system gently into the well, ensuring the shield (the flat part of the fern) faces upwards. Fill the space around the roots with more damp sphagnum moss to completely cover them.


Secure the Fern with Fishing Line

Tie one end of the fishing line to one of the nails on the base. Wrap the fishing line in a criss-cross pattern around the fern, securing it to the base by wrapping it from nail to nail. Don’t worry about the visible line; it will be covered by new plant growth over time.


Position and Care:

Light: Staghorn ferns prefer indirect, filtered sunlight. Avoid placing them in direct sun, which can scorch the fronds.

Humidity: These ferns thrive in high humidity, so consider placing them in a bathroom or near a humidifier.

Initial Rooting: After mounting, leave the fern on a flat surface for 1-2 months to allow its roots to secure to the base. Once rooted, it can be hung in its permanent location.

Watering: To water, dunk your fern in a sink or basin of water, ensuring the roots are fully saturated. Allow it to dry completely before rehanging.

Other Plants to Try: This mounting technique for orchids and bromeliads can be used.


Mounted staghorn ferns make a stunning feature in any space. They offer a unique and low-maintenance way to display your plants. They can thrive in their new home and become a beautiful focal point in your decor with a little care.



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