Tui No Sprout Wild Bird Seed Bell,
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Oderings Havelock North
57 Brookvale Road, Havelock North
Havelock North
New Zealand
Oderings Barrington
92 Stourbridge Street, Spreydon
New Zealand
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Treat your feathered friends with Tui No Sprout Wild Bird Seed Bell, a delicious blend of all natural seeds and grains that wild birds will feast on, without the risk of pesky sprouts popping up in lawns or gardens.
50 cents from every pack of Tui No Sprout Wild Bird Seed Bell purchased goes toward supporting Trees that Count, a charity on a mission to help plant millions more native trees throughout Aotearoa. Planting native trees help to create habitats for our wild birds, supporting our native biodiversity.
Doing the best for wild birds and for your garden - that's got to be good!
Box recyclable through kerbside recycling, or tear up and add to your compost heap.
- Unique no sprout formulation - a blend of ingredients that wont sprout weeds in your garden.
- All natural blend packed with essential nutrients needed to sustain wild birds.
Directions for use
- Place your bell in a position that is visible for you to see and enjoy the birds.
- Make sure it is in a quiet, naturally sheltered location, and away from windows that birds might fly into.
- Simply hang from a perch or tree branch and enjoy the birdsong in your backyard!
- Oderings Barrington
- Oderings Havelock North
or 4 payments of
is available between $50-$2000.