Phormium Dark Delight 6L
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$39.99 Purchase Online
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One of the darkest flaxes you will find with dark purple/black leaves and a upright habit. The leaves are great for floral work also. This plant is tough and prefers neglect. A great plant for banks and erosion suppression. Very hardy in sun or shade. The colour on Dark Delight will intensify with more sunshine. Once established flaxes will withstand quite wet conditions. This evergreen shrub is a superb contrast plant ideal for landscaping, mass planting or as a container plant. Easy care and will grow in any reasonable soil or climatic conditions including coastal areas.
Full Sun / Part Shade
Frost Hardy
Pots & Planters
Height - 1.5m
Width - 1m
Information and picture are a guide only.
or 4 payments of

is available between $50-$2000.