Cotyledon Lady Smithiensis - Bears Paw
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Oderings Havelock North
57 Brookvale Road, Havelock North
Havelock North
New Zealand
Oderings Palmerston North
136A Cook Street, West End
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Oderings Yaldhurst
Oderings Philpotts Road
116 Philpotts Road, Mairehau
New Zealand
Oderings Linwood
485 Linwood Avenue, Bromley
New Zealand
Oderings Barrington
92 Stourbridge Street, Spreydon
New Zealand
Oderings Cashmere
205 Cashmere Road, Hoon Hay
New Zealand
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This succulent features oblong-cylindrical leaves, densely branched and covered with hairs They are mainly yellow-green, but sometimes the tips become reddish, and grow up to 5 cm long and with 1 to 3 apical teeth, which inspires the plants common name "bears paw".
Habitat: Can grow up to 30 cm tall when planted outside but will grow much smaller and slower inside to about 15cm, if thats too tall easily snip out to keep nice and compact.Ideal for indoor pots.
Light: Can thrive in full sun or bright filtered light
Water: Water moderately in summer and even less in winter, allow top layer of soil to dry slightly between waterings.
Humidity: Does well in cool temperatures with low humidity, avoid misting.
Soil: Re-pot into Oderings houseplant potting mix
Fertiliser: Use a Liquid fertiliser once a month in the growing season
Flower colour: Small white flowers in summer, but rarely flowers indoors.
Pests: Aphids are most common and can be found on new growth
Poisonous for pets: Mildly toxic to pets and humans if ingested.
Limit 3 per customer.
Note: Picture is a guide only. Plants sent will not be the same size as pictured
- Oderings Barrington
- Oderings Cashmere
- Oderings Havelock North
- Oderings Linwood
- Oderings Palmerston North
- Oderings Philpotts Road
- Oderings Yaldhurst
or 4 payments of

is available between $50-$2000.