Oderings Garden Centre
Oderings Garden Centre


Poinsettia: The Festive Beauty of Christmas
Poinsettias are a true symbol of Christmas, adding vibrant colour and festive spirit to any home. Their striking red, pink, or white bracts can last for months with the right care, making them the perfect holiday decoration. Your poinsettia will thrive by providing the right light, temperature, and watering conditions, bringing joy throughout the season. Want to enjoy your poinsettia for another year? With a bit of effort, you can revive it for next Christmas. Or, if you prefer a hassle-free option, purchase a fresh one each year from your local Oderings store and enjoy its beauty anew.

Native to Mexico, the poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima), also known as the lobster or flame leaf flower, has become a classic Christmas decoration. The name "pulcherrima" translates to "very beautiful," and indeed, its vibrant red, pink, or white bracts (modified leaves) can bring instant holiday cheer to any home. However, the poinsettia's true flowers are small and yellow, nestled at the top of the plant, often overlooked by the dazzling bracts.


With the right care, poinsettias can maintain their stunning beauty for 2-3 months, offering a festive burst of colour throughout Christmas.


Care Tips for Poinsettias


Light Requirements

Poinsettias thrive in warm, filtered light. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight as it will turn the colourful bracts green. Keep them away from draughty or cold air-conditioned rooms to prevent leaf drop.

Temperature: These plants flourish in daytime temperatures between 16°C and 22°C, with cooler nighttime temperatures around 10°C.



Water only when the soil is dry, and avoid letting the plant wilt. Over-watering can cause stress to the plant, so it's important to water sparingly.



Do not fertilise the poinsettia while it's in full bloom. Fertilising at this stage can interfere with its natural flowering process.


Reviving Your Poinsettia for Next Christmas

If you're up for a challenge and wish to keep your poinsettia from one Christmas to the next, here's what to do after the flowers have faded:



Prune the plant 10cm from the base after the flowering is finished.


Shady Rest

Place the pruned poinsettia in a shady position and water it just enough to prevent the plant from completely drying out.



In August, repot your poinsettia into fresh Oderings Potting Mix and resume watering (again, only when the soil is dry). Then, start feeding fortnightly with Liquid Nitrogen.


Light and Dark Cycle

From September to November, your poinsettia will require alternating periods of light and darkness. Every night, at 5pm, place your plant in a cupboard or closet, keeping it in complete darkness for at least 12 hours. Bring the plant back into the light in the morning. This must be done for 60-85 days to promote the colour change. Be mindful not to expose the plant to artificial light at night, as this can disrupt the flowering process.

Alternatively... Enjoy a Fresh Poinsettia Every Christmas!


If this sounds like too much work, no worries! You can easily pick up a beautiful, fresh poinsettia from your local Oderings store each Christmas—no fuss required. Just enjoy its festive beauty and vibrant colour year after year.




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