What Is Onehunga Weed?
Onehunga weed thrives in the warmer months, growing through winter and flowering from mid to late October. By Christmas, its seeds are scattered in full force, ready to prick unsuspecting feet. If left unchecked, the prickles (seeds) that don’t get stuck in your shoes or feet lie dormant in the soil, germinating in autumn and starting the cycle over.
Onehunga weed is often an indicator of sour soil with a low pH. While improving soil drainage by spiking and aerating or applying lime can help, weed control sprays are the most effective way to tackle it.
When and How to Spray for Onehunga Weed
The best time to spray is in spring when most seeds have germinated but haven’t yet flowered. A second spray in autumn will help prevent new growth the following season. Spraying at these times will reduce the chances of prickles reappearing the next year.
Selective Weed Killers are designed to target broadleaf weeds like Onehunga while being safe for your lawn. Our top choice is:
- Kiwicare LawnPro: A reliable product for managing Onehunga weed in your lawn.
Tips for Spraying:
To ensure effective and even coverage, follow these guidelines:
- Apply to a short, evenly mown lawn under active growing conditions for the best results.
- Spray in warm (but not hot) weather, ideally in the early morning or evening, and choose a calm day to prevent overspray or drift onto surrounding plants.
- Wear gloves and a mask while mixing and applying the spray to protect yourself from chemicals.
- Avoid breathing in spray mist, and immediately wash your hands and exposed skin with cold water.
- Don’t apply before rainfall to ensure the product remains effective.
- Follow the label instructions carefully to avoid over-application, which could harm your lawn.
- Be mindful of water supply contamination, even from empty containers.
By following these steps, you can keep prickles at bay and enjoy your lawn and garden all year round.