Oderings Garden Centre
Oderings Garden Centre

How to Graft

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Grafting is a powerful technique for creating stronger, more fruitful trees by combining the best qualities of two plants. You can enhance plant health and productivity by joining a scion (the fruit-bearing part) with a rootstock (which provides strength and disease resistance). Whether growing fruit trees, flowering specimens, or citrus, grafting offers a practical way to improve yields and ensure better disease resistance. With the right tools and patience, you’ll be on your way to growing trees that thrive and bear abundant fruit year after year.


Why Grafting Matters

  • Rootstock: Provides strength and disease resistance. It can be grown from seeds or an existing tree.
  • Scion: The part that produces the fruit or flowers. Keep it moist and check for two upward-facing buds.

Many fruit trees—including citrus—are grafted for better performance. Grafting is common with specimen trees like magnolias, flowering cherries, and maples.


How to Graft

Prepare the Rootstock:

Make a 3-4cm split in the rootstock using a clean knife or chisel (sanitise the tool with a bleach-water mix).


Prepare the Scion:

Shape the scion into a wedge with a grafting knife. Keep it moist.


Insert the Scion:

Push the scion into the rootstock split until it’s secure, and no cut is visible above the rootstock.


Wrap with Grafting Tape:

Secure the graft with waterproof, airtight grafting tape to prevent drying out.


Wait One Year:

Remove the tape and check for signs of the graft healing.


Wait Two Years:

By this time, the graft should fully heal, and the tree will be a unified, strong plant.


Grafting Supplies

Oderings offers online and in-store grafting knives and tapes to help you get started.


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