Nothing compares to the magic of watching the first water lily bud emerge on the surface of your pond. A water garden is simply incomplete without these elegant aquatic plants. Beyond their beauty, water lilies serve a practical purpose, providing shade that helps control algae and offering shelter for fish.
Planting Water Lilies
Water lilies thrive when planted correctly. Follow these essential steps:
Special Basket: Use a dedicated water lily basket with holes to allow water flow.
Aquatic Fertiliser: Use fertiliser specially designed for aquatic plants.
Soil Mix: Opt for clay-based topsoil or aquatic potting mix; avoid regular potting soil, which is too coarse.
Types of Water Lilies
Hardy Water Lilies
Dormancy: Hardy lilies rest during winter, springing to life as days lengthen.
Flowering: Blooms appear from October and continue through summer until April. Flowers float on the water, ranging from small (20-cent piece) to large (palm-sized).
Colours: White, lemon, soft pink, cerise, red, and yellow.
Potting Tip: Place the plant on one side of the container, with the growing tip pointing across the container. Cover the soil with pebbles to prevent fish disturbance.
Tropical Water Lilies
Dormancy: Tropical lilies awaken when water temperatures exceed 12°C, typically in late October.
Flowering: These lilies grow rapidly and bloom prolifically from late spring to May. Their flowers rise above the water on sturdy stems, making them ideal for cutting and displaying in vases.
Colours: Bright pink, clear yellow, deep purple, and sky blue, often accompanied by a sweet fragrance.
Potting Tip: Plant the tuber two-thirds under the soil in the container's centre, then cover it with stones and fertiliser. During active growth, feed every 4-6 weeks.
Note: Tropical lilies are sensitive to freezing temperatures and will not survive if the pond freezes over.
Care Tips for Water Lilies
Light & Water: Plant in full sun with still water, away from splashing fountains or waterfalls.
Re-potting: September is the ideal time for re-potting and feeding. Repeat feeding in November and January.
Container Size: A large pot (15 litres) submerged with 10-15 cm of water covering the top.
Maintenance: Remove spent flowers and leaves to maintain plant health. A fresh bud feels dry when squeezed, while a finished flower will release water.
Pest Control: Aphids can be removed by rinsing them off into the water, where fish will eat them.
Quick Tips for Success
- Maintain 50-75% surface cover in your pond with water lilies or plants to starve algae of light.
- Use aquatic fertiliser regularly to ensure robust growth and abundant flowering.
- Monitor water conditions: lilies prefer calm water for optimal health.
Add water lilies to your pond to create a serene, vibrant, and functional aquatic garden that thrives year-round.