Kalmias are versatile evergreen shrubs that thrive in gardens or pots, offering dainty blooms in spring and summer. With their stunning flowers and year-round appeal, they’re an excellent choice for bringing colour and texture to your space.
Kalmias prefer dappled shade but can handle full sun with well-drained, acidic soil. They’re frost-hardy, making them suitable for various climates.
Prepare Soil
Garden: Ensure the soil is acidic and well-drained. Add compost to create the ideal growing environment.
Pots: Use a high-quality potting mix like Oderings Shrub & Tub Mix.
Garden: Apply a slow-release fertiliser for acid-loving plants in early spring. Once flowering incoperate a liquid feed every four weeks.
Pots: Feed with a liquid fertiliser every four weeks during the growing season to support flowering. To maintain a healthy plant add a acid based fertiliser especially for pots in spring and autumn.
Watering & Mulching
Water regularly, especially during dry periods, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Mulch with bark or pine needles to retain moisture and maintain soil acidity.
Kalmias are naturally pest-resistant and rarely suffer from disease. However, they’re toxic to stock animals and humans if ingested, so plant with care if livestock is nearby.
Garden Expert Tip
Prune lightly after flowering to maintain the shape and size of your Kalmia. While they can grow to 2–5 metres, they’re slow-growing and can easily be kept compact with occasional trimming.