Oderings Garden Centre
Oderings Garden Centre


Growing Boronia
Boronia brings an irresistible mix of beauty and fragrance to any garden or home with its aromatic leaves and captivating blooms. Despite its reputation for being a bit fussy, Boronia thrives with proper care—think well-draining, acidic soil, consistent moisture, and gentle pruning. Whether you choose the intensely fragrant Brown Boronia or the striking Red Boronia, each variety offers a unique charm. Plant them near doors or windows to enjoy their scent, and use cut stems to fill your home with their aroma. With a little love, Boronia will reward you with elegance and fragrance season after season.


Few plants can rival the enchanting scent of Boronia, a delightful Australian shrub with aromatic foliage and fragrant flowers. Though sometimes considered demanding, you can easily enjoy Boronia's beauty and charm in your garden or home with the right knowledge.


Prepare Soil

Garden: Boronias thrive in sheltered spots with free-draining, slightly acidic soil. Avoid windy areas and ensure the soil retains moisture without becoming waterlogged. You can mimic Boronia's natural habitat by creating a sandy, acidic humus-rich soil. Add peat and leaf mulch to retain moisture without compromising drainage.

Pots: Perfect for container gardening, Boronias love a potting mix low in phosphorus, such as Oderings Shrub & Tub. For optimal growth, place them in bright, indirect light.



Garden and Pots: Use a slow-release, low-phosphorus fertiliser. Take care to avoid disturbing the roots when applying fertilisers or weeding.


Watering & Mulching

Watering: Keep soil consistently moist but never soggy, as Boronias detest "wet feet." Water deeply and regularly, particularly in dry spells.

Mulching: Apply a layer of leaf mulch around the base to conserve moisture and maintain a consistent soil temperature.



Avoid disturbing Boronia’s root system even when planting, as this can lead to plant death, especially in the Brown Boronia variety. When planting, cut away the pot or bag to minimise root disturbance. Mulch around the plant helps weed disturbance.



Boronias respond well to pruning after flowering. Cut back by one-third or even half if necessary. Regularly harvesting fragrant stems for indoor use promotes healthier growth and prolongs the plant’s life.

Varieties to Consider



At Oderings, you can find several stunning Boronia varieties, each with unique features:

Boronia Megastigma (Brown Boronia): This plant is famous for its intense fragrance and small, goblet-shaped flowers in shades of brown. It is ideal for planting near doors or windows. Size: 1m x 75cm.

Boronia Megastigma Lutea (Yellow Boronia): Features greenish-yellow flowers with a lemony scent. Lighter foliage compared to Brown Boronia. Size: 1m x 75cm.

Boronia Heterophylla (Red Boronia): Vigorous and showy, with dense upright growth and bright red flowers. Though less fragrant, its visual appeal makes it a standout in the garden. Size: 1.3m x 75cm.

Boronia Denticulata (Pink Boronia): A hardy grower with aromatic, narrow-toothed leaves. Mauve-pink flowers bloom in clusters, creating a delicate display. Size: 1.2m x 90cm


Garden Expert Tip

For the best results, plant Boronias where their fragrance can be enjoyed, and remember to water deeply and mulch well. A Boronia planted in the wrong spot is unlikely to survive transplantation—so choose carefully!


Bring Boronia's fragrance and beauty indoors by cutting fragrant stems or blooms. Their flowers last well in arrangements, making them perfect for filling your home with their delightful scent.




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