Oderings Garden Centres, quality plants, shop for plants, online store
Oderings Garden Centres, quality plants, shop for plants, online store



In our opinion, the winter rose, or hellebore, is one of the best winter flowering plants. Of course, they are not roses but are closely related to the colourful ranunculus family. Helleborus is a genus of evergreen perennials with beautiful, open, cup-shaped flowers that provide welcome splashes of colour during late winter and early spring at a time in the garden when flowers are lacking.



Splash of colour
Hellebore colours are primarily shades of purples and pinks. However, with some fantastic breeding over recent years, hybridises have produced a more comprehensive range of colours, including white, soft pinks and rose, wine red and claret, lime green and yellow. Some even have deeper reverse colourings; others are beautifully spotted, splashed or marbled with contrasting colours. As if that were not enough, there are double hellebores, which are charming.



Where to Plant
Plant hellebores in semi-shaded or woodland areas under trees. They can also be grown in pots, providing a beautiful display but protect them from the harsh afternoon sun.



Soil & Fertilising
When planting in the garden, ensure the soil is enriched with organic matter such as 'Oderings Compost' and Blood & Bone. In pots and planters, use the Oderings Shrub & Tub mix and feed with a seaweed tonic every 2-4 weeks in the growing season. Adding a layer of mulch is also ideal for helping keep the roots cool, but remember to keep it away from the plant's main stem.




Pests & Care
Although hellebores are relatively pest-free, often they can get aphids in late spring and summer, especially when in a sunny position. We also recommend slug bait to keep your plants looking great. All parts of the plant are poisonous, so take extra care if children are in the garden around this plant. After flowering, give the plants a prune to encourage new growth.


Petticoat White Picotee     Petticoat Lemon & Limes
   Helleborus care, Helleborus maintenance              Helleborus care, Helleborus maintenance  


    Petticoat Purples             Petticoat Pinks

  Helleborus care, Helleborus maintenance      Helleborus care, Helleborus maintenance 


 Petticoat Double White            Ivory Prince    

   Helleborus care, Helleborus maintenance         Helleborus care, Helleborus maintenance     


      White Magic

 Helleborus care, Helleborus maintenance






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