Oderings Garden Centres, quality plants, shop for plants, online store
Oderings Garden Centres, quality plants, shop for plants, online store

Soil – Renew, Replenish and Restore

I have cringe-worthy moments when I'm out and about (not at Oderings) and see shoppers purchasing cheap soil. People invest precious time, effort and resources when planting a great flower, veggie, or ornamental garden, but before you plant anything, the most crucial investment should be in the soil. The soil helps give any plant nutrient and water requirements, thus contributing to its overall vigour. Healthy garden soil improves your plants' health, and healthy plants are less likely to get pests or diseases.



 Soil – Renew, Replenish and Restore

Every good garden needs life, and one of the easiest ways to do this is to incorporate compost. Compost improves the soil structure, texture, and aeration and increases the soil's water-holding capacity. The organic matter in compost provides food for microorganisms, keeping the soil healthy and balanced. Ideal for veggie gardens, incorporated with other soil media when planting new plants, or to top up the garden.



 Soil – Renew, Replenish and Restore


Organic mulches are ideal as they break down over time and add more organic matter to your soil. Use mulch to reduce moisture loss, protect the ground from exposure to the elements, and reduce weed growth.


Natural Soil Replenishment

 Soil – Renew, Replenish and Restore

Green crops are grown and then dug back into the soil as a natural soil replenishment; they can work even better than manufactured fertilisers. This natural method of soil maintenance will boost and replace nutrients and encourage earthworms and other microorganisms. There are many different types of green crops available, and each does a different job, so come and grab our free gardening guide to learn more.


Use Soil Improvers

 Soil – Renew, Replenish and Restore


When used regularly, they will help raise the soil's organic matter content, improving soil health and bringing your soil to life. Many of these soil improvers help release trapped nutrients, which helps to encourage earthworms. Earthworms help break down organic matter into nutrients and minerals that plants can use, providing more natural fertilisers for your garden. Some of the natural organic soil improvers we recommend are:


Tui Organic Sheep Pellets – the perfect partner for your plants. Containing all-natural pelletised NZ sheep manure adds organic matter to improve soil structure and encourage earthworms.

Ocean Grow Liquid Fertiliser – is made of fresh fish minced and inoculated with a blend of cultures and vitamins. Highly effective all-purpose fish fertiliser to promote strong and healthy plants.

Magic Botanic Liquid– also known as MBL. This is a growth booster for plants, creating a much bigger root system and promoting strong and healthy plants. A must for veggies, fruit crops, roses, tomatoes and flowering annuals.

Mycorrcin Plus – promotes beneficial microbes to assist in composting organic matter to humus. Improves calcium uptake, stimulates root growth and is said to increase strawberry production by 200-400%.

Yates Thrive Naturals – For strong, healthy growth, vibrant blooms, and greener foliage, feed regularly with Thrive Naturals. This range has a great selection to cover all your feeding needs



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