As winter draws nearer, we must turn our attention to protecting the sensitive plants from Jack Frost’s icy clutches. Although many find the task of covering and uncovering a little arduous, the benefit of having a beautiful, healthy garden is well worth the effort.
The three different products which Oderings recommend to keep your precious plants protected are frost cloth, microclima, easy fleece jackets and Vaporgard. Frost cloth and microclima are both material which you drape over the plants whereas Vaporgard is a spray. The main difference between all these products is the quality and convenience.
Frost cloth:
Cheaper and generally only lasts one to two seasons. Because it does not let the sunlight through it needs to be removed daily and dried before reusing.
A lot sturdier than frost cloth, lasting easily 10 seasons and if the durability doesn’t sell you, then the fact that you don’t need to remove it from the plant should. Microclima is made of a special woven material which allows light through, meaning the plant still receives light throughout the day and the cloth can be left on the plants to dry out naturally.
Both forms of frost cloth are tightly woven, offering protection from 1°C - 4°C (frost will not occur at temperatures over 4°C), with double thickness for temperatures under 1°C. To secure the cloth to a tree wrap around in a lollipop shape and secure to itself (pegs do the job nicely).
This is a liquid which you dilute and then spray onto tender plants and provides protection on your plants down to -3°C, lasting three months but any new foliage growth will also then need spraying for protection.