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Growing Brassicas

Say goodbye to bland store-bought veggies and hello to fresh, home-grown brassicas packed full of flavour and nutrients. Not only will you save money by growing your own, but you'll also have the satisfaction of knowing exactly where your food is coming from. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just starting, our guide has something for everyone.

Gardening Guide, Growing Brassicas



When: Brassicas are typically cool-season crops and prefer temperatures between 13°C and 24°C. The best time to plant them depends on your location. In most regions, brassicas can be planted from early spring to late autumn.
Location: Brassicas prefer well-draining, fertile soil in full sunlight, although some can tolerate partial shade.
Starting seed indoors: Start seeds indoors (optional): Some brassicas, such as broccoli and cabbage. Transplant them into the garden when they are 4-6 weeks old and have developed a few true leaves.
Direct sow seeds: Sow seeds about 7 - 10mm deep and space them according to the recommended spacing for each type of brassica.
Planting seedlings: Water plants thoroughly before planting and allow them to drain. Dig a hole approximately twice the depth and width of the root ball of your plant and partially fill the hole with Odering's Shrub & Tub or compost. Position the plant in the centre of the hole and fill in the remaining hole with more soil. Press the soil gently around the base of the plant and water.




Veggie Combo

Gardening Guide, Growing Brassicas

See individual below for planting guide



Gardening Guide, Growing Brassicas

Space plants 50cm apart, in rows 60cm apart.



Gardening Guide, Growing Brassicas

Space plants 50cm apart, in rows 60cm apart.



Gardening Guide, Growing Brassicas

Space plants 50cm apart, in rows 60cm apart.


Brussel Sprouts

Gardening Guide, Growing Brassicas

Space plants 50cm apart, in rows 60cm apart.




Gardening Guide, Growing Brassicas

Space plants 50cm apart, in rows 60cm apart.



Pak Choi / Bok Choy

Gardening Guide, Growing Brassicas

Plant seeds 5cm apart, and as they grow thin to 20cm apart, in rows 25cm apart.




Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water at the base of the plants to avoid wetting the leaves, which can encourage disease.


Brassicas are heavy feeders and benefit from regular fertilisation with a seaweed tonic to help promote healthy plant and root growth and to make the plant more resilient to common problems, including frost, heat, pests, and disease. We also highly recommend using lime, such as Tui Garden Lime, at the time of planting. This will help significantly increase the size of your crop while also helping to minimise the risk of club root. Plants infected by club root are stunted, wilt easily, and may have yellowing leaves.
Adding Dried Blood will help plant growth and build strong roots through the slower-growing winter months. If you have pets, ensure you dig this in thoroughly.


Mulch around the base of the brassica plants with pea straw to help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.



Brassicas are typically ready for harvest when they have reached the desired size and have a firm texture. The timing varies depending on the type of brassica. For example, broccoli and cauliflower are usually harvested when the heads are fully formed but before they start to open, while cabbage and Brussels sprouts are harvested when the heads or sprouts are firm and compact.
  • Rotate your brassica crops to a different spot in your garden each year to prevent disease buildup.
  • Brassicas need adequate spacing for proper growth and airflow to prevent diseases.
  • Don't forget to incorporate slug and snail bait at planting time.




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