Growing Lilies
If you love the look of lilies in the garden or pots in summer, you need to start thinking about them now for a continuous and spectacular display.
Planted in groups of 3-5 bulbs Asiatics keep coming up year after year with very little work. Asiatics are non-scented, so those with allergies are not normally affected. When cut in floral arrangements they make a superb display in the home. Asiatics start flowering in November/December and grow to around 80cm high.
Following the flowering of asiatics are the traditional trumpet lilies which includes the well-known Christmas Lilies. Trumpet lilies can be planted right up until September and will finish flowering around mid to late-January. With a height of 1-1.5m tall, they are ideally planted in the garden.
The last group of lilies to flower are the oriental lilies which start to shine from January through March. Their fragrance makes a feature in any garden and the vibrant to pastel shades suit any garden setting. With a height of 1-2 metres tall they are best planted in the garden.
Asiatic Lily Christmas Lily (Trumpet) Oriental Lily
Care of Lilies
Plant in well-drained soil in sun or shade 100mm below the soil surface level. Bulbs can be planted from May through to September but should be planted once purchased as they can’t be allowed to dry out. When cutting the flowers leave one third of the leaves/stem to ensure the bulb keeps growing. Once they plant has finished flowering leave the stem on the bulb until the leaves turn yellow, then brown, then cut the stem off at ground level. Do not incorporate animal manure. When replanting, dig the bulb up in winter and replant immediately; do not store dry.
In the garden
When planting incorporate blood & bone and a good quality potting mix. Leave the bulbs in the same position in the garden for 4-5 years before splitting; this helps the bulb to grow large and to have more flowers and reproduce baby bulbs which will also flower.
In pots and planters
Plant in a good quality potting mix and incorporate a slow release fertiliser such as Oderings Total Replenish twice a year. The pot size for lilies should be at least 20cm deep. Re-pot every two years and water 2-3 times a week or when needed.