Oderings Garden Centre
Oderings Garden Centre

DIY Tutorial - Terrarium

Make your own Terrarium at home...


If you're wanting to test out your green thumb, but have limited space, try making your own DIY terrarium. It adds a touch of greenery and style to any desk or tabletop. Looking after your own won't be a problem as minimal watering is required.

So what is a terrarium? It is a bunch of small, decorative plants growing in an enclosed space. Terrarium containers are typically glass, which allows the light to reflect in like a glasshouse. Either the top or side is open for easy access to the plants. 

Before you get started, let’s make sure you have all the materials you’ll need to get started...


DIY, Tutorial,Terrarium


You will need:



When selecting plants for your DIY terrarium, please keep in mind:

  • Select plants that are small enough for your glass vessel. Don't let the plants cramp up, if they're touching the sides they are too large.
  • Plants that do well with humidity are most likely to thrive. Although succulents and cacti aren’t humidity’s greatest fans, instead you can use a glass container with a slight opening.


Time to build your own:


Step 1 - Grab a handful of pebbles and cover the bottom layer until it's at a 1½ inch-thick. The pebbles are important for water drainage. 


Step 2 - Add a layer of Thrive Cacti & Succulent Potting MixYou should add enough soil so that it’s deep enough for your plants to root. We recommend a 2 ½ inch layer of soil. 

Step 3 - Add your plants. 

  • Remove your largest plant from its pot and begin pruning the roots as if you were re-potting it.
  • Dig a hole in the soil thats' large enough to fit the roots.
  • Arrange your plant in the soil. Starting from the back and work your way forwards to make placement easy. There's no right or wrong way to design your terrarium, so go crazy!

Safety tip: Use gloves when handling cactus or any other prickly plant.


Step 5 - After adding the remaining plants, add pebbles.

You can also add some fairy garden ornaments into your terrarium to make it come to life.

Once your terrarium is complete, you’ll need to look after it. Sunlight and water are two essential items for the success of your terrarium.

  • Be sure to lightly water the base every two weeks or once the soil looks like it has dried out.
  • You should also display your terrarium in an area that receives plenty of bright, indirect sunlight


DIY, Tutorial,Terrarium




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