Oderings Garden Centre
Oderings Garden Centre

Caring for your Phalaenopsis Orchid

Caring for your Phalaenopsis Orchid
Phalaenopsis orchids, with their striking flowers and long-lasting blooms, can bring a touch of elegance to any space. Despite their exotic appearance, they are surprisingly easy to care for with guidance. By providing the right light, temperature, and watering routine, you can enjoy these stunning orchids for years to come. Follow our care tips for vibrant blooms and healthy growth and discover how simple it is to nurture your Phalaenopsis to its full potential. Let these graceful flowers brighten your home with their beauty! Keep reading for expert advice on keeping your orchid thriving.

Temperature and Lighting

Phalaenopsis orchids thrive in warm temperatures between 22–25°C during the day and no lower than 15–18°C at night. The key is to provide bright, indirect sunlight. Northern or western-facing windows are ideal, but avoid harsh, direct sun that can scorch the leaves. Sunburn appears as black splotches on the foliage; if this happens, move your orchid further away from the light source.



Orchids don’t grow in regular potting soil. Instead, they need a special orchid mix that ensures excellent drainage while holding enough moisture to sustain the plant. This mix often comprises bark, sphagnum moss, or other airy materials that mimic the orchid’s natural habitat.



Phalaenopsis orchids require regular feeding to flourish. Use a specialised orchid fertiliser, such as Briggitta Orchid Food or Manutec Orchid Food, once a month. When your orchid begins forming spikes, switch to a high-phosphorus orchid booster fortnightly to encourage vibrant blooms.

Always water your orchid before applying fertiliser to prevent root damage. Fertiliser applied to dry roots can cause burns.



Contrary to popular belief, orchids don’t need constant watering. Water your Phalaenopsis orchid from the top of the pot every 4–5 days in summer and every 10 days in winter. A great method is to place the orchid in the sink, thoroughly drench it, and then allow it to drain completely before returning it to its saucer or decorative pot.


Avoid letting the orchid sit in water, leading to root rot. In very warm conditions, misting your orchid lightly can help maintain humidity without overwatering.

Signs of overwatering include yellowing leaves and soggy roots. On the other hand, if your orchid looks dry or wrinkled, it’s time to give it a drink.


Pest and Diseases

Orchids are generally hardy but can be susceptible to pests like mealybugs and scale. Regularly inspect your plant for signs of infestation, such as small white cotton-like masses (mealybugs) or brown, scaly patches on leaves. Treat pests with a gentle insecticidal soap or neem oil.

To prevent fungal issues, avoid wetting the leaves when watering and ensure good airflow around the plant.


Garden Expert Tip: Getting Your Orchid to Rebloom

Phalaenopsis orchids need a drop in nighttime temperatures (about 10°C lower than daytime temperatures) to encourage re-flowering. Boost light levels slightly during this time to provide the energy needed for blooms.

Once your orchid has finished flowering, cut the flower spike back to just above the top node on the stem. This often encourages a new spike to grow. If the stem turns brown, trim it down to the base.


Repotting Your Orchid

When your orchid’s roots start creeping out of the pot, it’s time to repot. Choose a pot only 2–3 cm larger in diameter to keep the orchid feeling snug. Refresh the orchid mix if it’s breaking down, but only repot after flowering. Allow the plant to recover for 2–3 days before watering or feeding again.


Phalaenopsis orchids are stunning and surprisingly low-maintenance plants. With the right care—including proper lighting, watering, feeding, and occasional repotting—you’ll enjoy these elegant blooms for years. If you have any questions or need help with your orchid, please visit us at Oderings or contact us. We’re always happy to help.




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